The SignX POS – Network Attached Tablet (NAT) module for flexible and rapid deployment of display units and electronic document signature at customer sales and service branches
This innovative module will complement the existing Mobile module that supports signature on mobile network-enabled tablets. The new module was launched as a joint initiative with TALDOR, who provide marketing and technical support services for POS tablet deployments configured with accessories according to customer preference. TALDOR also operates countrywide POS system assistance and support to the required service quality level.
The NAT module enables distributed organisations to achieve rapid and highly flexible installations of display stands and digital signature tablets with touch screens and/or a digitizer (with built-in electronic pen), at all frontal service points where customers are required to sign company documents issued during the service process.
The NAT module upgrades the customer experience with the added value of the tablet can also be used for waiting-time advertising displaying his general campaign or one adjusted to the customer profile. The tablet can also be used for customer entry of personal information, profile updating, and so on. At the end of the service process, the required documents for signature are displayed on the tablet so that the customer can review them freely before signing, as needed, and his signatures are displayed on the spot.
The NAT module system supports any of the following configurations for display stand and signature point deployment:
Individual signature tablet configuration of each service representative position.
Multiple signature tablet configuration for each service representative. Display of the document for signature on an available tablet.
Kiosk-style – a specific signature tablet is configured for several service representative positions. This requires definition of a signatory recognition procedure for retrieval of the document(s) pending
Large office kiosk-style – multiple service positions for each of which several tablets are configured.
Here, also, a signatory recognition procedure must be configured for retrieval of document(s) pending signature.
Android tablets can be connected to the communication network of the organization using a network cable or a locally available secure wireless network (Secured Wi-Fi). This means that the system can be set up at the lightning speed wherever needed.
New features of the NAT module are the ability to display marketing media on the tablet when it is in standby mode pending document receipt and also a new online support option enabling the customer service representative to control remotely the tablet displaying the document for customer review and signature.
The NAT module runs on the SignX POS signature server so that an organization can send documents in various formats from the operating systems for signature by customer at the point of sale or service.
If necessary, the system can convert documents for signature to PDF format before forwarding them to the signature processing function managed by the system. The system performs end-to-end management of the signature process, ensuring that all signatures defined as mandatory are duly provided. When the signatures have been assimilated into the document, the digitally signed and sealed (locked) file is sent to an electronic archive, the process status is automatically updated in the operating system and a link to the document is generated.
The WonderNet SignX POS signature server enables the simultaneous display and entry of signatures into thousands of documents each hour via a user-friendly interface and with optimal response time to the customer. The system application permits organisations, in many different vertical market areas, to completely eliminate the need to print documents just for the purpose of signature at any customer-facing sales or service point.